2013 52 Houston Dates Update

2013 was a fantastic year for Brenden and me. Brenden started a new business, the Common Motor Collective, in March (hence the lack of posting) and I traveled all around the country for work. We moved in together in June and our relationship continues to blossom, still filled with romantic adventures despite our busy schedules.

Best news of all: we’ve kept our resolution. We have continued to go on a date each week to a restaurant in Houston we haven’t been to before. No, we haven’t blogged about it, but I’m quite determined to finish all 52 posts before the end of the year. The posts will be shorter and it may be scant on all the details, but I do want to document them all.

Plus, dates will continue to 2014. Brenden and I both look forward to “date night” each week and we wouldn’t dare give it up. We’ve decided to incorporate blogging into date night so we don’t run behind like this year.

Here is to 52 more dates in 2014!

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About Nicole Buergers

Nicole grew up in the suburbs of Houston and after 13 years of ping-ponging around the country, moved to the Houston Heights. She was picked up at the pick-up window of a burger stand by Brenden in 2012. After 10 minutes of conversation, they realized they had 10th grade English together and a ton of mutual friends.